Learn how you can have the best hair possible with brilliant hair tips that will transform your hair into shiniest, healthiest and strongest it's ever been. Remember you should invest in your hair because it is the crown you never take off.
Your Next Hair Appointment At The Salon
One thing is for sure, we ALL want to get our hair done! But we need to be cautious for each other’s safety. Being a hairstylist, my job certainly is changing in some…
How To Take A “Hair Selfie”
Hair selfies are fun to take for your own Social Media pages, but they are MY best advertisement! Why are your hair selfies better than the photos I take of your hair while…
Why I Love Instagram & Pinterest for All Things Hair
Instagram and Pinterest are essential for Hairstylists these days. I know some of you come to your hair appointment with me without a photo and we just talk through your cut or color.…
Self Hair Care At Home
Hello Everyone! I’m here to answer all of your questions about what you should be doing during this time away from the Salon! Some of you see me as often as every 3…